Friday, July 1, 2011

A poem for the day

Last evening as I was getting the kids ready for bed it seemed as if the world was against me. My sweet sweet baby boy couldn't get to sleep.  So I let him get down and play for awhile and I got out my camera.  No matter how much rocking and singing I did it took him FOREVER to fall asleep. Now don't get me wrong this is one of my most favorite things to do, rock my baby to sleep.  After probably an hour and a half he was finally sound asleep and I had written a poem while I waited.  Here goes.....

The house is a mess what's a girl to do?
There are so many demands that are placed on you.

Laundry needs to be folded and put away.
It's probably been there since the first of May.

The floors are all sticky and need a good sweep.
The bills are piled high and stacked in a heap.

There is food on the counter and all over the chair.
But honestly I just couldn't give any care.

For this little man has been trying all day.
To simply get me to sit down and play.

So the dishes can stay all piled in the sink.
For this little ones gonna be grown in a wink.

I'll sing all night long and rock him to sleep.
Because him at this age I simply can't keep.

Here are a few of the pictures I took during our play time, the time when we were suppose to be going to bed. :-)  

He is pretty proud of his pearly whites!

His sister taught him how to "sing" or screech shall we say!


He melts my heart he really does.


  1. What a sweet Momma you are! Those nights are so long when they just won't give it up. Sweet perspective you have.

  2. Hi Kristen! Thanks for sharing your blog- it is such a great way for us to keep up to date on all our friends and family that we do not see very often. Hope all is going well with you guys and I will be sure to follow your cute blog!
