Friday, September 16, 2011

Ballerina or maybe gymnast?

Today was the first day of ballet for Bry and I had it all planned out perfectly. I was going to let her put on the leotard, shoes and tights she had been begging to wear for weeks a little earlier in the day than necessary.  This insured I would get a few cute pictures of her in the adorable mandatory outfit.  Well she had other plans....

No brothers were harmed in the taking of this picture!

Good form don't you think?

This was the only half way decent one I got after a mini melt down.

After a rough start with the pictures I was a bit apprehensive about how the actual ballet class would go. However a few minutes into wonderfully animated teachers, tippy toeing and all those other ballet words I don't know how to spell she turned around with a big grin on her face and gave me a THUMBS UP!
I just wish I had my camera for that.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My name is...

 This is the outfit that Miss B was wearing when she came running out of her room today with her arms held high exclaiming....

"My name is Bry Bry Ava and I am going to SAVE the world."

You go girl, in your brothers old halloween costume and a roll of toilet paper!

(Please excuse my chipped deck it's been a long summer.  Staining it is on the to do list)