Thursday, July 14, 2011

Way behind....

 A happy 4th of July post was suppose to happen last week with a cute picture of our fun time swimming and playing. I bought cute little festive outfits for the kids to take a few pictures in during our bbq with some friends and family.  HOWEVER...

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry"

Which was definitely the case for us this year. If you have ever heard of something called coxsackie virus I feel your pain.  To those of you who have no idea what it is I pray for your sake you never find out. Before going to work on Sunday I went in to kiss Brody as he was taking a nap and discovered he had a fever.  He was not congested or grumpy or anything the day prior so I thought he might be getting some teeth, proceeded to give him some motrin and headed to work with strict instructions for the husband to follow.  Sometime that afternoon I got a call from my mom who had relieved my husband for a few hours to tell me that his fever was very high, he was miserable and she thought he might have an ear infection because he was rubbing his ear.  Seeing as I work in a hospital and the next day was a holiday I told her to bring him down and have him seen to get an antibiotic.  So low and behold his ear drums were bulging his fever was high and a little tylenol and augmentin would do the trick. Surely he would be feeling better for our holiday plans, or so I thought.....

After a sleepless night and doses around the clock of medications his high fever was not coming down, he didn't want to eat and he just looked really sad and listless.  So most of the 4th of July I sat in front of a fan or with the help of my lovely parents trying to cool this child down.  Definitely NOT what I had planned for my babies first 4th of July. I tried not to let it ruin my spirits for the day but I felt most of it was spent feeling sorry for my poor little man.    

After another sleepless night and his symptoms still not clearing up we headed to the doctor.  I had an appointment already for a swollen lymph node behind his ear so it worked out perfect.  She proceeds to tell me he has coxsackie virus or something we refer to as hand, foot and mouth??!!!!!
Seriously?!?! What happened to the simple old ear infection? 

Apparently this awful awful virus also causes bulging ear drums which in the first day of the virus mimics an ear infection until the blisters show up!!! UGGHHH...... To which you are probably thinking "your a nurse didn't you see the blisters on his hands and feet and know that is what he has??"  That is a great question.  He only had blisters in the way back of his throat and unless you gagged him with a tongue depressor to look you couldn't see them, trust me I tried.  Soon after leaving the doctors he developed other symptoms of this virus, diarrhea and vomiting, yeah it gets better can you believe it?  Needless to say this went on for almost a week AND guess what it's highly contagious.

You guessed it.....he gave it to his sister.  What a generous little man. However there is a bright side to this story.  Apparently adults can get it to and thank the good Lord above I nor my husband have contracted this nasty virus.  I hope it stays that way.  

So that is why I am so way behind in posting on this blog, cleaning my house, planning my sons 1st birthday party or just life in general.  However I was able to dress the B's up and get a few pictures of them.  It is ridiculously hard to get a good picture of them together but we did our best.  Hope you had a wonderful 4th.  There is always next year for us.  :-)


  1. They are so stinkin' cute, Kristin. You aren't "behind" in anything--it will all come together. Take a few moments and breathe. As far as pictures together, I've taken to photoshop. Just take the good pictures of the kids and photo shop them all together, lol. {Ok, I'm just kidding, but that seems like it will be }the best bet for us ever to get a picture of all of our kids looking in the vicinity of the camera.

    Hope you have a great day!

  2. I mean could that Brody boy be any sweeter? And Bry just oozes personality. Sorry your babies have been sick, you wouldn't know it by looking at these pics. So cute! Miss you guys!
